LEGO Universe Wiki

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lol, i don't even know

You found me <insert name here>.

Good Morning, or Afternoon! If its evening, go to bed. I'm Alec Warper, but you can call be Alec. I've been a User of LEGO Universe since December of 2010. Here are a few things about me.

  • My main minifigure is HanFalcon.
  • I collect many of the LEGO themes, but anything space is awesome. GO GALAXY SQUAD.
  • I need to come on here more.
  • My favorite song is To Glory from TSFH.
  • I have been banned from the wiki.
  • I have to type this quickly, or the angry mob outside is sure to come in.
  • I am currently feeding you useless information.
  • I am a User of the Wiki. Nothing more.
  • I am a founder of Lego Universe, who did NOT preorder the game.
  • I speak therefore, I am.
  • My favorite color is Red. 
  • My favorite pasttime is driving other users of the Wiki crazy.
  • Yes, that's the Red Army Choir.
  • I am typing up my profile.
  • I am about to give you a few quotes others have said about Alec.

"All in favor of dropping a heavy object on Alec's head, say aye." -User:PatchM142

Check 'em.

BTW, if any of you classic Space guys need a wallpaper, I might have what you're looking for.... made by me.

Blacktron Chrome wallpaper

If ya need a different res., lemme know on talk page.

Epic photograph of yours truly:


Its hard to set up a picture at 6:00 AM with a 10 year old camera on a broken tripod all by yourself.
